Leaves are alternate and deciduous with dense, whitish hairs on the underleaf. The dark, scaly, rough bark on older trees resembles Black Cherry tree bark.
Floodplains, poorly drained bottomlands and lowlands.
Often with a branch-free trunk, the Cherrybark, of all red oaks, is one of the fastest growing with the most desirable timber. The leaf shape (held upside down) resembles the outline of a pagoda.
Leaf length: 5.00-8.00 inches
Tree height: 70.00-100.00 feet
Where to find Cherrybark Oak on the Louisiana State Arboretum Trails:
BBR - Backbone Ridge Trail 2.0
WET - Wetland Trail 4.0
TER - Walker Terrace 28.0
Refer to our Live Map to locate this species and its interpretative signage on the trail system.