Featured Species: Throughout the trail system of the arboretum, you will find dozens of interpretive signs providing detailed information for featured species of special importance or interest. That information is gathered here for easy reference. Featured species are listed by common names, with shortcut navigation by alphabet letter. You may also use the search blank to search by either common name or scientific name.
Shumard Oak (Quercus shumardii )
Tall tree with broad, open crown; alternate, deciduous, shiny dark green leaves with 5 -9 bristled lobes; and reddish-gray bark either smooth or with small ridges.
Read moreSouthern Crab Apple (Malus angustifolia)
Small tree with a broad open crown, narrow, deciduous leaves arranged alternately along the twig, armed with thorns. Thin reddish-brown bark with vertical fissures.
Read moreSouthern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora )
Tall tree with alternate, large, dark green, shiny, evergreen leaves and smooth to scaly gray bark.
Read moreSouthern Red Oak (Quercus falcata )
Tall tree with a rounded, open crown; alternate, deciduous leaves with 3 to 5 deep lobes, shiny green above and rusty and hairy below; and dark, deeply furrowed, scaly bark.
Read moreSugarberry (Celtis laevigata )
Medium sized tree with rounded crown and slightly drooping branches; alternate, deciduous leaves and grayish, warty bark. Also called Hackberry.
Read moreSwamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii)
Tall tree with rounded crown; deciduous, alternate, large leaves; light gray, scaly bark; and large acorns. Also known as Cow Oak or Basket Oak.
Read moreSwamp Privet (Forestiera acuminata )
Tall bush or short tree with opposite, deciduous leaves; ridged, dark brown bark; small, fragrant yellow flowers and purplish-black drupes.
Read moreSwamp Red Maple (Acer rubrum var. drummondii)
Medium sized deciduous tree with opposite, three lobed leaves with silver, hairy backs, shiny red twigs, and smooth-to-scaly gray bark.
Read moreSweetbay Magnolia (Magnolia virginiana )
Small to medium sized tree with alternate, tardily deciduous leaves that are white on the underside, and smooth, reddish-brown, mottled bark.
Read moreSweetshrub (Calycanthus floridus)
Multi-trunked shrub with erect, multiple stems creating a rounded outline; opposite, glossy, leathery, deciduous leaves and thin, light red-brown bark.
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