Featured Species: Throughout the trail system of the arboretum, you will find dozens of interpretive signs providing detailed information for featured species of special importance or interest. That information is gathered here for easy reference. Featured species are listed by common names, with shortcut navigation by alphabet letter. You may also use the search blank to search by either common name or scientific name.

Cherry Laurel (Prunus caroliniana)
Dense shrub or small tree with simple, evergreen leaves arranged alternately along green, red or grayish brown slender twigs. Bark smooth and gray; with age becoming blocky and almost black.
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Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda)
Leaves are alternate and deciduous with dense, whitish hairs on the underleaf. The dark, scaly, rough bark on older trees resembles Black Cherry tree bark.
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Christmas Lichen (Cryptothecia rubrocincta)
Lichens are unique organisms created by algae and fungi that grow together using each other to survive. This type of lichen forms a crust-like growth on the tree’s bark. Its red and green colors give the appearance of a Christmas wreath for which it has been named.
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Cucumber Tree (Magnolia acuminata)
Medium-sized tree with simple, large, alternate, deciduous leaves. Short, straight, stout trunk with furrowed gray-brown bark, narrow crown, and upright to spreading branches.
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